The Caspian Horse was believed to be pets of the Royal families of Persia. King Darius would use these brave and agile horses to pull his chariots in public demonstrations of battling lions, thus proving his strength as a leader. He values his little horses so much that they were engraved on his Royal Seal in 550 B.C.
The Caspian Horse was known by different names in ancient Persian, such as Lyudian, Moulecki, Pouseki or Pumpelli horse. The breed was last shown in 224 A.D. on a rock relieve of King Ardashir, where he’s portrated upon a horse so small the King’s feet nearly touch the ground.
Then came a great war in 637 A.D. This was the last recorded sighting of these fine purebred horses. The Royal court of Persia was destroyed and the Caspians lost. Until one day…
An American, Louise Firouz, opened a riding school for children in Iran. In 1965 she began searching the villages nearby for horses suitable for her students. She was surprised to find a herd of small, refined horses running wild near the Caspian sea.
After capturing several of the wild horses, she returned to her riding school. The horses were quick to learn and soon became special friends and companions to the children. These remarkably gentle horses were named Caspian.
Extensive research was conducted, including having the horses tested by scientists, confirming the horses were the breed thought to be lost forever.
Louise was intent upon saving them from extinction and began collecting and breeding only the purest Caspian horses. Political problems in Iran threatened the survival of the breed., so Louise decided to rescue some of the horses out of Iran. In 1971, Prince Phillip wanted to help, importing three Caspians from Iran into his stable at the Royal Palace in England.
Between 1971 and 1976, nine stallions and seventeen mares were imported to Europe. These horses and their offspring had been saved from the tragedies befalling most of the horses left behind. in 1993, Louise was able to get seven more Caspians into England.
With the thoughtful care and concern from their English owners, the Caspian horses flourished and their number increased. Some were exported to AUstralia and New Zealand to start breeding programs.
Due to the unending dedication and love for the unique Caspian horses by owners and breeders from Iran, Australia, United Kingdom and New Zeland, this marvelous horse became available for transport to the United States.